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Scilla on 8/4/18

Scilla took a fantastic service on Sunday 8/4/18 she preached to us about Peter the rock and taught us about his relationship with Jesus, how he was a mans man a diamond in the rough that needed shaping and moulding by Jesus to be the example of a man that will carry on the good work. He needed taking down a peg or two because of his pride and the three times he denied Jesus was his humbling experience, Jesus in return asked Peter is he loved Him three times from Agape to Philia and lowered His question of love to meet Peter where he was at. Scilla also told us that it was Jesus that was the real rock upon which the church was built, not Peter, Jesus was the cornerstone the true foundation upon which the church was built. Scilla really gave it her all to deliver to us Peter and his story and she succeeded in making it informative and relevant to todays world.

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